Interchange sample 3 |
My workbook - image 58 |
I was very uncertain about this sample to start with but after some advice and once I got going, it became easier. I chose to cut two of the star designs straight and move the other two round slightly adding variety. Most of the hand stitches I used I had done before except for couching which I added to give a bit of colour to the darker squares.
Counterchange - sample 2 |
My workbook - image 57 |
This is a counter interchange sample using bonded felt. I was pleased with the outcome and loved the scrim and will certainly use it again. I don't particularly like the effect of the net by itself but it makes a good contrast when used with other finishes. Closed blanket stitch is another new stitch for me. Quite straight forward and I like the effect round the edge. I did wonder if I could possibly have done more hand stitching but decided against it.
My workbook - image 56 |
Counterchange using bonded felts. I liked the way the threads appear on this counterchange sample and will remember this idea for the future. I have used blanket stitch before but never antique stitch and I am pleased with the result.
My workbook - image 55 |
Simple counterchange using papers.
My workbook - image 54 |
Chapter 10 starts with some insertion stitch samples. I tacked the strips of felt onto a piece of tissue paper and found there were a variety of possible stitches in my books. Most of these hand stitches are new to me so it has been great fun learning them. I started the bead inserting quite close together but after a few beads made the stitches wider which was more effective. There are a number of pattern stitches which I can use on my machine but they would not be wide enough to leave a gap.