Water conservation in India
Visual references – my photos (RL) and those copied from the internet (Int)
I have chosen this topic for my conservation theme because I have spent a number of memorable holidays in India, visited different areas and become very aware of the necessity to conserve water.
Because of its location in the world, the physical structure of the country and the weather, India has had a problem with water for many years. It is a country of physical extremes – high mountains to barren deserts.
It is a very large country and some parts are very lush due to the heavy rainfall but in other areas water is in short supply.
Rainwater harvesting is one of the oldest and one of the cheapest forms of conserving water. The monsoon which hit south Asia each year during May to September has a great impact on India. In order to feed the vast population India has had to find ways of conserving the rain water, storing it and using it wisely until the next monsoon season arrives.
Photo of dried earth in Gujarat (RL) and planting rice during monsoon (Int)
Recommended water storage (Int) and drinking water tanker coming out of Chennai (RL)
Visiting different parts of India I have seen examples of irrigation, seen structures which have been built over the years to store water and more recently seen examples of moving water to large cities and experienced day to day reminders to conserve water.
Water towers found in most towns & villages in India (RL)
Driving through the countryside you see that most towns and villages in India have at least one water tower to store their own supply and individual houses have tanks on the roof to catch the rain. Some areas are lucky enough to have their own well but conservation has become part of the Indian way of life. I have seen and researched many different examples of water conservation and here are some examples. In some areas, mainly Gujarat and Rajasthan, step wells have been constructed and some are extremely decorative.
Water tanker at Anokhi farm (RL) and irrigating fields (Int)
Bamboo drip irrigation system and sand bore water conservation (int)
Irrigating palm trees on beach Mahabalipurum (RL)
Traditional water storage – Baoli In Ferozshah Kotla and bawari in Jaipur (Int)
Rain water syringe (Int) and step well Gujarat (RL)
Step wells (Int)
Phad and tanka (Int)
Water pump powered by bike and by children on a seesaw
Wheel for moving water
Education is imperative in water conservation and wherever you go in India there are reminders.
Water machine with water conservation educational reminders at Mantrimandir, Auroville (RL)
Card in hotel bedroom, Mahabalipurum (RL)
Reminders stuck to mirror at Anokhi Farm, Jaipur (RL)
Drawings from my workbook
Words for theme
Misery and anxiety of draught | Replenishment of water stores | Education of water conservation |
Catastrophe of water shortage | Rhythmical design of step wells | Communication of education |
Patternation of the soil | Enclosed step wells | |
Euphoria of monsoon | Water imprisoned in step wells | |
Joy of monsoon | Flowing movement of irrigation water | |
Excitement of monsoon | Escape of water | |
Relief of monsoon | Entwined irrigation tubes | |
Water tower entwined staircase | ||
Design exercise copying examples
8.1 Fast, conflicting, vigorous 8.2 Bend, imprisoned
8.3 entwined, rhythmical. 8.4 Bend, entwined, rhythmical, restful, married.
8.5 Compressed, peaceful, restful, gentle. 8.6 Expelled, crushed, enclosed, pushed out
Design exercise in paper using my theme
8.7 Despair, catastrophe, anxiety, separate. 8.8 Restful, peaceful, joy, relief, flowing
8.9 Married, rhythmical, bend, entwined. 8.10 Euphoria, excitement.
8.11 Crushed, bends, movement, flowing 8.12 Replenishment, replacement, refill, married, rhythmical
8.13 Education, communication, bend, imprisonment 8.14 Escape, vigorous, expelled, euphoria.
8.15 Imprisoned, bend, enclosed 8.16 Rhythmical, flowing, falling, climbing, communication
Colour scheme
One of the first things that hits you when you arrive in India for the first time is colour. It has therefore been quite difficult to decide on a colour scheme for my hanging because there is so much to choose from. Thinking about various options I wanted to use colours that were special to me and my experience in India so I have chosen indigo (blue) and henna (orange/brown) as the two man colours.
Indigo vat and indigo dyed material drying in the fields – Gujarat. The indigo plant is grown extensively in India and is one of the most important natural dyes.
Henna is another natural dye made from a plant. The photo above is of a young girl in Poshina with traditional patterns on her hands and forearms using henna – I asked if I could take a photo! These temporary designs are usually done for special occasions like a wedding, birthday or holiday.
Design exercise using my colour scheme and papers I had in my store
8.17 Despair, catastrophe, anxiety, separate. 8.18 Restful, peaceful, joy, relief, flowing, movement
8.19 Rhythmical, bend, married, entwined, flowing 8.20 Euphoria, excitement, .
8.21 Crushed, bends, movement, flowing 8.22 Replenishment, replacement, refill, married, rhythmical
8.23 Bend, imprisonment. 8.24 Imprisonment, enclosed, bend
8.25 Escape, vigorous, expelled, euphoria, jubilation, thrill. 8.26 Rhythmical, flowing, falling, climbing, communication.